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Minimize spaces between justified words – CSS3

Many people wants to use text-align:justify in paragraph content on their website. But it doesn’t look nice on some places. You will notice some extra gaps between words. Which looks odd.

Now there is a CSS3 property which you can use to reduce gaps between words. Basically it can improve the result on supporting browsers.

					p {
  text-align: justify;
  text-justify: distribute;

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis lorem arcu, pulvinar quis lorem sit amet, commodo accumsan eros. Donec mauris tortor, viverra eu commodo in, egestas non ipsum. Quisque diam risus, semper quis dui volutpat, elementum placerat urna. Praesent quis posuere ligula, nec eleifend tortor. Sed iaculis bibendum ligula id commodo. Nullam eget sapien magna. Nunc condimentum, ligula ac consectetur varius, sapien lectus viverra massa, accumsan molestie sem mi vel lacus. Cras vel lobortis ligula, non imperdiet est.

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