Home » How to prevent phone number from changing from CallRail script

How to prevent phone number from changing from CallRail script

Many people use CallRail scripts on their website for call tracking and number swapping. It is possible that some of you may not want to swap numbers in certain places on your website. So for those people this is good news that it is possible to do this.

So if you also use CallRail script on your website to change phone numbers and want to prevent some phone numbers from being changed by CallRail script, you can do so using the tricks given below. This is a very easy solution which you can apply easily.

1. Add a <span> within a number to protect it from being swapped out. This prevents the number from being identified as a target for swapping. It’s recommended to add <span> in the middle of a number as per the example shared below.

For example:


2. There is another method, You need to add the attribute data-calltrk-noswap to an element containing the phone number.

For example:

					<a data-calltrk-noswap href="sms:+1 123-456-7890">
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